3 Tips To Have A Fun & Successful Escape Room Adventure – What To Know

Escape room adventures are one of the growing trends of the current age. With almost 3,000 established escape rooms worldwide, most game providers keep churning out new concepts and ideas to keep the game fun. Perfect for groups of friends, families, or even work teams for team-building, experiencing an escape room adventure can be a unique experience to have.

Simply going into an escape room challenge without ideas or preparation can not only be disastrous but could really ruin your experience. Putting your mind in the game and having some modicum of preparation is one way to ensure that you have a fluid and fun experience while leaving the confusion and drama outside the room.

Here are three easy and basic tips to have a full-fledged, fun, and successful escape room experience:

Wear comfortable clothes

The most basic preparation for going into an escape room is to wear comfortable clothes. There will be a lot of movement, running, and possibly even crawling, so wearing the appropriate outfit can really help you go the distance.

Just ensure that you’re wearing something that won’t make you cry if it gets dirty, something comfortable enough to move around, and one that won’t rip if stretched. Wearing sneakers or rubber shoes will also help with your mobility and protect your feet in case something (or someone) falls on you. It’s also a pretty good idea to probably bring along a jacket or sweater—some escape rooms are air-conditioned and can be quite cold to some people.

Strategize before you enter

The first part of strategizing is knowing who you’ll be working with. Teaming up with random people can make this challenge an awkward drag, so make sure to sign up with friends or family.

Beyond simply knowing who you’re teaming up with, take some time before entering the break room to speak with each other. Make an effort to find out each other’s strengths and weaknesses—it could come in handy once the challenge is there.

This is a good point to share your own secret skills, be it reading morse code, having quick math solving skills, or simply being able to jump really high. Although you may not know what’s going to happen on the day itself, having some background about your team can give some order once you enter the challenge.

Internalize the game

The chances are that you won’t know any details about the challenge before entering the room, aside from the name of the challenge, of course. As much as possible, however, internalize and put your head into the game. That won’t only help you focus, but it’ll also help you to have fun! It’s all just a big role-playing game, and internalizing will really put you into the mood for it. More than that, it can also give you a bit more perspective you wouldn’t have had if you didn’t internalize.

Pro-tip: Listen to the rules and take them seriously. Going against the guidelines will make you a buzzkill and totally destroy the fun for everyone else.

Final Words

These tips may not be the exact key to victory, but it will help you have some order and comfortability once you enter the escape room. By applying these tips, you’ll be safe, comfortable, and it’ll allow you to have more fun. After all, the main point of an escape room is to enjoy the experience.

Are you looking for escape rooms in Bradenton, Lakewood Ranch, or Sarasota Florida? At Premier Escape Adventures, we have a room applicable to anyone, for everyone. Contact us, and book an escape room today!

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